Character Middle Names

Get the character's middle names ideas list that Includes meaning, origin and era, we believe that the top name can make all the difference.

Character Middle Name List with Means

  1. Alexander - Meaning: Defender of the people. Origin: Greek. Era: Ancient

  2. Sophia - Meaning: Wisdom. Origin: Greek. Era: Classical

  3. Rose - Meaning: Flower. Origin: English. Era: Victorian Era

  4. Nathaniel - Meaning: Gift of God. Origin: Hebrew. Era: Renaissance

  5. Isabella - Meaning: God is my oath. Origin: Hebrew. Era: Medieval

  6. Gabriel - Meaning: God is my strength. Origin: Hebrew. Era: Biblical

  7. Grace - Meaning: Elegance or favor. Origin: English. Era: Modern

  8. Sebastian - Meaning: Venerable or revered. Origin: Latin. Era: Renaissance

  9. Eleanor - Meaning: Bright, shining one. Origin: English. Era: Medieval

  10. Aurelia - Meaning: Golden. Origin: Latin. Era: Ancient

  11. James - Meaning: Supplanter. Origin: Hebrew. Era: Classical

  12. Catherine - Meaning: Pure. Origin: Greek. Era: Renaissance

  13. Thomas - Meaning: Twin. Origin: Aramaic. Era: Middle Ages

  14. Elise - Meaning: Pledged to God. Origin: French. Era: Romantic Era

  15. Lucas - Meaning: Light. Origin: Latin. Era: Modern

  16. Amelia - Meaning: Work of the Lord. Origin: German. Era: 18th Century

  17. William - Meaning: Will, desire. Origin: Germanic. Era: Victorian Era

  18. Elizabeth - Meaning: God is my oath. Origin: Hebrew. Era: Medieval

  19. Michael - Meaning: Who is like God. Origin: Hebrew. Era: Biblical

  20. Mae - Meaning: Month of May. Origin: English. Era: 20th Century

  21. Henry - Meaning: Ruler of the household. Origin: Germanic. Era: Middle Ages

  22. Olivia - Meaning: Olive tree. Origin: Latin. Era: Renaissance

  23. Christopher - Meaning: Christ-bearer. Origin: Greek. Era: Classical

  24. Victoria - Meaning: Victory. Origin: Latin. Era: Victorian Era

  25. John - Meaning: God is gracious. Origin: Hebrew. Era: Ancient

  26. Charlotte - Meaning: Free man. Origin: French. Era: 18th Century

  27. Joseph - Meaning: God will increase. Origin: Hebrew. Era: Biblical

  28. Emma - Meaning: Universal. Origin: Germanic. Era: Victorian Era

  29. Benjamin - Meaning: Son of the right hand. Origin: Hebrew. Era: Renaissance

  30. Maria - Meaning: Bitter. Origin: Hebrew. Era: Medieval

  31. Samuel - Meaning: Heard by God. Origin: Hebrew. Era: Ancient

  32. Sophie - Meaning: Wisdom. Origin: Greek. Era: Classical

  33. Charles - Meaning: Free man. Origin: Germanic. Era: Middle Ages

  34. Emily - Meaning: Industrious. Origin: Latin. Era: Renaissance

  35. David - Meaning: Beloved. Origin: Hebrew. Era: Biblical

  36. Louise - Meaning: Famous warrior. Origin: Germanic. Era: Victorian Era

  37. Alexander - Meaning: Defender of the people. Origin: Greek. Era: Ancient

  38. Caroline - Meaning: Free man. Origin: French. Era: 18th Century

  39. Andrew - Meaning: Manly. Origin: Greek. Era: Classical

  40. Margaret - Meaning: Pearl. Origin: Greek. Era: Medieval

  41. Liam - Meaning: Strong-willed warrior. Origin: Irish. Era: Modern

  42. Lily - Meaning: Lily flower. Origin: English. Era: Victorian Era

  43. Daniel - Meaning: God is my judge. Origin: Hebrew. Era: Biblical

  44. Annabelle - Meaning: Graceful and beautiful. Origin: French. Era: Renaissance

  45. Matthew - Meaning: Gift of God. Origin: Hebrew. Era: Ancient

  46. Grace - Meaning: Elegance or favor. Origin: English. Era: Modern

  47. Charlotte - Meaning: Free man. Origin: French. Era: Victorian Era

  48. James - Meaning: Supplanter. Origin: Hebrew. Era: Classical

  49. Emily - Meaning: Industrious. Origin: Latin. Era: Renaissance

  50. William - Meaning: Will, desire. Origin: Germanic. Era: Victorian Era

  51. Alice - Meaning: Noble or truthful. Origin: Germanic. Era: Middle Ages

  52. Christopher - Meaning: Christ-bearer. Origin: Greek. Era: Ancient

  53. Oliver - Meaning: Olive tree. Origin: Latin. Era: Renaissance

  54. Victoria - Meaning: Victory. Origin: Latin. Era: Victorian Era

  55. Lucas - Meaning: Light. Origin: Latin. Era: Modern

  56. Elizabeth - Meaning: God is my oath. Origin: Hebrew. Era: Medieval

  57. Amelia - Meaning: Work of the Lord. Origin: German. Era: 18th Century

  58. Alexander - Meaning: Defender of the people. Origin: Greek. Era: Ancient

  59. Sophia - Meaning: Wisdom. Origin: Greek. Era: Classical

  60. Rose - Meaning: Flower. Origin: English. Era: Victorian Era

  61. Nathaniel - Meaning: Gift of God. Origin: Hebrew. Era: Renaissance

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